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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you offer Multiple Player discounts?

A: Yes! 2 players=$15 off per family, 3 players=$30 off per family, 4 players=$45 off per family, and 5 players=$60 per family. At the registration checkout you will see the discount applied after the fees.


Q: My family needs some financial assistance, do you offer any help?

A: Yes! We want all players who want to play. You will first need to fill out a scholarship application located under our Scholarship page. If you are needing assistance for more than one player, you will need to fill out a separate application for each child. You should receive a response from our league administrator within 48 hours. Please wait to register your player(s) until you have received an email.

***Please Note: Our SoccerTots Program is not eligible for financial assistance or the Early Bird Discount, as it is already significantly reduced in price.***


Q:  What is your Refund Policy?

A: There are three time frames of withdrawal from the league that dictate the amount, if any, of refund you will receive:

  1. If you change your mind once you've completed registration, you are entitled to a full refund if you notify the League Admin ON or BEFORE Opening Day.

  2. If you decide AFTER Opening Day, up until the second week of the season, you will receive a full refund minus a $30 administrative fee.

  3. If you withdraw AFTER the second week, there will be NO refunds.


Q: Do I have to participate in the season's fundraiser?

A: Yes! Our seasonal fundraiser helps pay for our scholarship program and equipment needs. Fundraisers change each season. However, if you choose to pay the $60 buy-out per family at the time of registration, you will have fulfilled your obligation (only applies when fundraising occurs)

Q: Do I have to volunteer during the season?

A: Yes! Each family is required to volunteer up to 2 hours a season per family, unless you select the $60 buy-out at registration.


Q: How do you decide which team my child plays on?

A: These are the factors that we consider when placing a player on a team (in order of importance): 1) Practice Availability, 2) Siblings  3) Experience Level (to ensure teams are balanced) and 4) Buddy Request (if applicable), 5)Age. Please know we do our very best to accommodate your requests. The ONE request we can guarantee will be your "not available" practice day you will select during registration.


Q: How many players can I request to be my buddy (teammate)?

A: We ask that you request only ONE. We do our very best to match you with your buddy. However, it is not guaranteed.


Q: I've just registered, what's next?

A: Congratulations, and welcome to our CAA family! You will be receiving an email close to opening day, notifying you that your player has been assigned to a team. You can either use the TeamSnap app or a desktop to log into your TeamSnap account. This will enable you to communicate with your coaches and teammates.


If you are new to soccer, you will need to purchase shin guards, soccer cleats, and a size 3 ball for Divisions 1 & 2, or a size 4 ball for Division 3. There is no need to purchase a ball for SoccerTots. If you choose to, they use size 3 balls. You will want to bring everything to Opening Day.

 *For the safety of our players, shin guards are required to play. NO exceptions.

If you have further questions you can message us on our Contact page.

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